Thank you for your interest in our ‘Journey to Outstanding’ event.

The cost of the sessions is £95 per delegate. However, thanks to support from the Doncaster Opportunity Area, this fee will be waived for up to three delegates for each state secondary or post-16 provider in Doncaster, Rotherham, Barnsley or Sheffield.
Places are limited and we would encourage you to reserve your place as soon as possible by visiting the link below. Each delegate will need to complete an individual booking so that they can select the workshops they would like to attend, and we would kindly ask you to book no later than Friday 1 July.
We will be pleased to provide breakfast, lunch and refreshments for delegates.
The sessions are primarily aimed at senior leaders but also may be suitable for some middle leaders.
9.00 – 9.25am – Arrival and Breakfast
9.25 – 9.40am – Introduction from the Principal
9.45 – 10.30am – Workshop 1
10.45 – 11.30am – Workshop 2
12.45 – 12.30pm – Workshop 3
12.30 – 1.15pm – Lunch
1.15 – 2.00pm – Workshop 4
2.15 – 3.00pm – Workshop 5
3.00 – 3.30pm – Optional college tour / departure
Delegates will have the opportunity to attend 5 workshops over the course of the day. For each workshop you will be able to select from a number of the options outlined below to create a personalised programme.
Workshops will present an opportunity to reflect on your own provision, to find out more about our systems at New College, discuss related issues and share good practice, and consider what you might like to develop further in your own school or college.
1) Our experience of the Ofsted inspection process | How did the inspection team consider the college’s intent and develop lines of enquiry? How did the inspection team structure their activities and meetings? How did the inspection team manage their ‘deep dives’?What was the role of leaders, managers and the quality nominee? |
2) What was our experience of Ofsted ‘deep dives’? | How did Ofsted inspectors decide which areas to ‘deep dive’? How did inspectors carry out the ‘deep dives’? What were the common questions asked of students, teachers and leaders during the ‘deep dives’? How did leaders prepare their teams for deep dives, and how did leaders prepare themselves? |
3) The intent and design of the curriculum | How does the college’s overarching intent inform the breadth of its curriculum offer? How do teachers establish a clear intent for their curriculum? How do teachers plan and sequence the curriculum to develop knowledge, understanding and skills over time? How does curriculum intent and design support the personal development of young people? How was curriculum intent and design explored by Ofsted during inspection? |
4) Teaching and learning – metacognition and evidence-based practice | What are the evidence-informed principles at the heart of our teaching for learning policy? How do these principles inform curriculum design? How has this policy been implemented to ensure a consistent but subject specific approach? How do we monitor and evaluate the efficacy and consistency of our approach? How did the inspection team gather evidence on this area? |
5) Using assessment well | What does our college-wide assessment system look like? How do students use assessment to support their learning and next steps? How do teachers and leaders use assessment to inform feedback, support and intervention? How do we ensure the quality of assessment and progress data?How was this explored by Ofsted? |
6) Developing independent learners and a culture of learning | How do we foster a culture of self-regulating learners? How are key learner messages established and communicated? How is self-regulation development embedded in the curriculum? How is the development of self-regulation supported outside of subject teaching? How was this explored by Ofsted? |
7) Staff development, support and wellbeing | How has staff workload been considered in teaching for learning developments? How do we foster and support a culture of continuous improvement? How do we identify and provide bespoke support for teachers where additional needs are identified? How do we support our early career teachers?How was this explored by Ofsted during inspection? |
8) Driving improvement in quality and standards | How do middle and senior leaders identify key priorities for improvement? How do middle and senior leaders quality assure all aspects of our provision? How do leaders ensure a culture of consistent high standards and accountability? How were quality and standards explored by Ofsted during inspection? |
9) Careers and IAG | How does the college tailor programme choices to meet the needs of each individual student? How does the college help students to make informed decisions about their future study and employment? How does the college raise the aspirations of young people? What steps does the college take to support positive destinations for students from disadvantaged backgrounds? How were careers and IAG explored by Ofsted during inspection? |
10) Student wellbeing and safeguarding, including sexual harassment and violence | What key systems and strategies help to keep young people safe and support their physical health, mental health and wellbeing? How do we work with external agencies to support the health, wellbeing and safety of young people? How have we incorporated sexual harassment and violence into the colleges safeguarding programme? How were these issues explored by Ofsted during inspection? |
11) Provision for high needs learners and SEND | How do we identify high needs learners and learners with SEND? How are high needs learners and students with SEND supported in college? How do we monitor the progress of SEND students and review their support needs? How do we support high needs students in their readiness for adult life, future study and employment? How was provision for high needs learners explored by Ofsted during inspection? |
12) A culture of learning, high standards and pastoral support | How does the progress tutor team monitor and drive student progress? How do we instil a culture of high expectations and standards? How do we ensure students receive high quality pastoral support? What is the intent of our tutorial programme and how does this inform our planning and delivery? How were these issues explored by Ofsted during inspection? |
13) Preparing young people for adult life, work and further study | What does enrichment look like and how does this support students in their readiness for adult life? How do we promote Fundamental British Values and Equality and Diversity? How do we develop student understanding of the world of work? How do we develop the skills and qualities students need for adult life, work and further study? How were these issues explored by Ofsted during inspection? |